
yoga · 18. August 2018
Yoga not only takes place in the save space of the square of the Yoga mat. But every day in every moment - if you are ready to let it be integrated into your daily life.
Yoga auf dem Gipfel
yoga · 06. März 2018
Short article in a local news paper about my yoga session in the mountains.
Der 8fache Pfad / The 8 limbs of Yoga
yoga · 29. November 2017
Das Yogasutra (der achtfache Pfad) von Patanjali ist ein Leitfaden das Leben im JETZ im Alltag zu ermöglichen. The Yoga Sutras (8 limbs) by Patanjali is a guidance how to live NOW consciously in our daily life
yoga · 22. November 2017
Get to know different varations of "Surya Namaskar" (sun salutation)
yoga · 15. November 2017
First impressions of our openening night.